Ancient Philosophy
and the Classical Tradition

A Journal of the Centre for Ancient Philosophy
and the Classical Tradition

ISSN 1995-4328 (Print) ISSN 1995-4336 (Online)


Aim and Scope of the Journal
ΣΧΟΛΗ is the academic journal of the Centre for Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition. The aim of the Centre in general is to encourage the dissemination of Classical scholarship, especially in the fields of Ancient philosophy, the history of sciences, both natural and social, and the arts. For publication we consider submissions dealing with any aspect of Classics, including reviews, commented translations from Greek and Latin, and archive materials which may be of interest for the classical scholarship. 

We never charge authors any money. 

We accept articles written in English or Russian. If the submission includes Greek, Arabic, or other specialized fonts, the font name should be specified (preferably an Unicode). The author is responsible for a correct use of the language chosen; if not a native speaker him/herself, s/he is strongly encouraged to have the contribution checked by a native speaker.

Articles should be organized in the following order: title, abstract (only for articles), keywords (only for articles), body text, footnotes, and bibliography.

The title of an accepted article should have the following format:

Platonism and the World Crisis
John Dillon
Trinity College, Dublin
Articles should include an English abstract of up to 300 words. It should give a brief summary of the article or an outline of its argumentation, or sum up the points discussed. It should be headed by "Abstract"
An article should be provided with 2-6 keywords for indexing purposes. They should be placed below the abstract. The keywords should be lower case and headed by "Keywords"

Section Titles
A contribution may be subdivided into sections, headed by section titles. A first-order section title should have the following format:

All Power Devolves from the One and Returns to It

A second-order section title (sub title) should have the following format:

The Intellect as a Mean Between the One and the Soul

Articles should be in an Unicode font, 12 point; footnotes in 11-point; bibliography at the end in 11-point. All margins should be one inch (2.5 centimeters). Longer quotations should be indented. Authors should submit their papers in both Microsoft Word and pdf versions.

References in the Abstract, Body Text, and in the Footnotes
We follow the rules of the Chicago Manual of Style. Submissions should include a bibliography. Footnotes are preferred. Footnote references to items in the bibliography should be as follows: the initials of the author's first name(s), last name, publication date in parentheses, page number(s).

For example: A. Laks (2008) 77–79; (Laks 2008, 82–95); Laks (2008), etc.

Examples of bibliographical references:
Laks, A. (2008) Diogène d’Apollonie. Edition, traduction et commentaire des fragments et témoignages. Sankt Augustin.
Shaw, J. R. (1977) “A Note on the Anatomical and Philosophical Claims of Diogenes of Apollonia,” Apeiron 11, 53–57.
Vander Waerdt, P. A. (1994) “Socrates in the Clouds,” in: P. A. Vander Waerdt, ed. The Socratic Movement. Ithaca, N. Y., 48–86.

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