Ancient Philosophy
and the Classical Tradition

A Journal of the Centre for Ancient Philosophy
and the Classical Tradition

ISSN 1995-4328 (Print) ISSN 1995-4336 (Online)


Sergey Avanesov
Tomsk State University
Language: Russian
Issue: ΣΧΟΛΗ 1.2 (2007) 147-171
Keywords: Early Greek philosophy, theosis, suicide, ethics
Abstract. In his article on Empedocles Sergej Anavesov  presents a part of his bigger study in the philosophy of suicide, and shows that Empedocles’ famous deed can be understood as an act of “metaphysical revolt”, a mysterious purification of the soul from the body and the universe from the evil elements. The article is a developed version of a paper presented by the author in May 2007 at the conference “Rethinking Dodds. Rationalism and Irrationalism in Ancient Philosophical Tradition”, organized by the Centre for Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition at the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.

Andrey Shetnikov
Novosibirsk, Russia
Language: Russian
Issue: ΣΧΟΛΗ 1.2 (2007) 172-194
Keywords: Ancient mathematics, Euclid, axiomatic, defining
Andrej Schetnikov, a historian of mathematics from Novosibirsk, discusses the problem of origins of the concepts of definitions and axioms in Ancient mathematics prior Euclid. Having noticed the fact that axioms and postulates are entirely absent from geometry in the time of Plato, the author turns to the problem of definitions in Plato and Aristotle instead and reads relevant passages from their works against the background of the “Elements” of Euclid. His working hypothesis is that the greater part of proofs from the first book of the “Elements” should be traced back to the time of Aristotle‘s school rather then Plato’s Academy despite the degree of sophistication of the mathematical technique in the time of the latter.

Leonidas Bargeliotes
The University of Athens
Language: English
Issue: ΣΧΟΛΗ 1.2 (2007) 195-202
Keywords: Concepts of God, ethics, Philosophy of process, metaphysics
Leonidas Bargeliotes focuses in his article on the problem of God’s religious availability and sees Whitehead’s organismic theory of God as a correction of Aristotle’s barren conception of a Prime Mover.

Marina Wolf, Igor Berestov
Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Language: Russian
Issue: ΣΧΟΛΗ 1.2 (2007) 203-246
Keywords: Early Greek philosophy, methodology, Neo-Kantian philosophy, Parmenides, Plotinus
Igor Berestov and Marina Wolf of , discuss various methodological difficulties typical of studies in the history of Ancient Greek philosophy and try to develop their own problem-oriented approach.


Language: Russian
Issue: ΣΧΟΛΗ 1.2 (2007) 247-257
An annotated translation of the treatise “On Indivisible Lines” is prepared by Andrej Schetnikov (ΣΙΓΜΑ: The Centre for Educational Projects, Novosibirsk) especially for this issue. This short text from the Corpus Aristotelicum, important for the history of mathematics, is translated into Russian for the first time.


Language: Russian
Issue: ΣΧΟΛΗ 1.2 (2007) 258-275
Two bibliographic outlines of this issue prepared by Eugene Afonasin of Novosibirsk State University deal respectively with Hermetism and the Chaldean Oracles.

Language: Russian
Issue: ΣΧΟΛΗ 1.2 (2007) 276-298
A discussion “Reading and Interpreting Philosophy Texts”, led by Svetlana Mesyats of the Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, opens a series of round-table discussions planned in the 
framework of the interdisciplinary seminar “Teaching Classics. Fundamental Values in the Changing World” organized by the Centre for Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition and supported by the Open Society Institute, Budapest.


Eric R. Dodds
Language: Russian
Issue: ΣΧΟΛΗ 1.2 (2007) 299-303
An early article by Eric R. Dodds, The Rediscovery of the Classics (Irish Statesman II: 42 [1920]) in a Russian translation by Eugene Afonasin and Anna Afonasina [Kuznetsova] (Centre for Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition, Novosibirsk University). Visit a page of the conference "Rethinking Dodds", Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, May 2007 (texts are mostly in Russian).

ΣΧΟΛΗ, Vol. 1, Issue 2, complete text

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